Had such a lovely convo with the ever-inspiring Carmelita Tiu on her fiercely feminist podcast Know, Be, Raise Them.
Show description: In Ep. 19 of "Know Them, Be Them, Raise Them," we cover Monuments to Movements, the need for equitable representation in public art, subconscious messaging about girls' place in society, and each individual's right to question and change the public symbols that represent us. Click here to listen!
PLUS more fun with the ever-searching-for-a-good-story Joel Goldberg on Rounding the Bases. With audio & video interviews!
Show description: Neysa Page-Lieberman is curating a new school of thought in the house of feminist practices. She’s a champion for equality who demands a voice for the invisible laborers of contemporary art. By rejecting tradition in favor of the radical, she’s reimagining its very definition, and recreating one where the role of women is cast in high relief. Neysa Page-Lieberman is the sparkling, ambitious Co-Founder and Co-Creator of Monuments to Movements. With obsessive curiosity, she’s honoring the communal accomplishments so central to our shared identity, and forcing an evolution that is full of endless possibilities. Click here to listen! For Extra Innings on video, visit: https://bit.ly/RTBNeysa